Good Decisions: Episode 1

AI Governance Urgency and the Risks of AI Gone Wrong

Join ModelOp’s VP of Product, Dave Trier, for a webinar in which he discusses three real world situations that stress the urgency for Enterprise AI Governance.

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The speed with which Generative AI is being embraced and rushed into production by enterprises is head-spinning, and the end of the calendar year was ripe with headlines of “AI Gone Wrong”.  This means the time to safeguard AI was yesterday.

Join ModelOp’s VP of Product, Dave Trier, for a webinar in which he discusses three real world situations that stress the urgency for Enterprise AI governance from enterprise AI gone wrong.

In this webinar, Dave analyzes current events in which enterprises failed to balance AI risk and reward, and shares AI Governance insights that he’s collected from conversations with over one hundred Fortune 500 executives over the past year.

Download the slide deck.

For a deeper dive on the topic, check out the whitepaper: 2024 Readiness: Three Urgent Lessons for Enterprises on Managing AI Risk and Reward

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