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Communicating between Go and Python or R

Data science and engineering teams at Open Data Group are polyglot by design: we
like to choose the best tool for the task at hand. Most of the time, this means
our services and components communicate through things like client libraries and
RESTful APIs. But sometimes, we need code from one language to call code written
in another language directly. In this post, we’ll take a short look at how to do
that using C foreign function interfaces (FFI) as a way to call functions written
in Go using Python.

Getting started with FFIs

A foreign function interface is a mechanism by which a program written in one
language can call routines or make use of services written in another.
(Thanks, Wikipedia!)
FFIs are how many popular data science and machine learning packages function.
For example, NumPy, Pandas, and Tensorflow all have much of their core numeric
operations implemented in C, and expose bindings to Python (and, for Tensorflow,
other languages) to call these functions. This pattern allows users to keep the
flexibility and ease of writing code in their favorite language (e.g. Python),
while also taking advantage of the performance gains available when using native
C or Fortran code.

Python has a number of packages that enable wrapping C functions with Python,
the most popular of which is likely the built-in ctypes package
in the standard library.
R also has good native C (and C++) support, as well as convenient “higher level”
support through the Rcpp package.
Hadley Wickham has a great introduction to the Rcpp package on his website.
Since we’ll be looking at calling Go code from Python or R via a C FFI, the
Go C FFI documentation is also a helpful resource.

The setup

Our goal is to call a function written in Go using Python or R. To do that, we
need some functions in Go. Here are two of them:

package readwrite

import (

func Read(path string) []byte {
    result := []byte("read from " + path)
	return result

func Write(data []byte, path string) {
    fmt.Println("Go: wrote to", path)

These functions are largely vacuous, but will demonstrate passing binary data
between Go and other languages.

From Go to C

These two functions are pure Go, but there’s no native Go-Python FFI (yet), so
we should also wrap them with functions that can be exported to C using cgo.
This is done by including the "C" package in your Go program’s import statement,
adding //export comments to the functions you want to export, and then building
a C shared object with the result:

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("All main'd up!")

//export Read
func Read(path *C.char) unsafe.Pointer {
    s := C.GoString(path)
    read := readwrite.Read(s)
    length := make([]byte, 8)
    binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(length, uint64(len(read)))
    return C.CBytes(append(length, read...))

//export Write
func Write(data *C.char, path *C.char, size C.int) {
    d := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(data), size)
    s := C.GoString(path)
    readwrite.Write([]byte(d), s)

These functions look a little different than what we wrote in the readwrite
package! A couple of notes about what’s going on here:

  1. For string data, we have to convert between C strings (pointers to char arrays)
    and Go-native strings. Fortunately, there’s a library function that does this
  2. For the C-exportable Read and Write functions, we also need to include
    information about how many bytes our byte arrays will be. This is because any
    code that calls these functions will need to know how many bytes to expect
    from C. We could accomplish this by including a stop character (e.g. a null byte)
    to terminate the byte array, but since we want to support passing arbitrary
    binary data back and forth, I’ve instead chosen to make the first 8 bytes
    the length of the rest of the byte array. Then, the calling code can read
    the first 8 bytes to know how many more bytes to expect. (This limits us to
    a maximum of about 18,446,744 terabytes per message, but hopefully that’s

To build the C shared object, just use the go build tool with the c-shared

go build -o libreadwrite.so -buildmode=c-shared

Calling our functions from Python

Using ctypes, it’s relatively straightforward to call our functions in Python.
First, import ctypes, load the shared object, and bind the right argument types
to each function:

import ctypes

lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("./libreadwrite.so")
lib.Read.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p]
lib.Read.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte*8)
lib.Write.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int]

Note that we’re setting the initial response for Read to just 8 bytes—recall
that the first 8 bytes are the length of the remaining binary data we want to
read in.

Now let’s define our wrapper functions:

def read(path):
    ptr = lib.Read(path.encode("utf-8"))
    length = int.from_bytes(ptr.contents, byteorder="little")
    data = bytes(ctypes.cast(ptr,
            ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ubyte*(8 + length))
    return data

def write(data, path):
    lib.Write(data, path, len(data))

The write function maps very cleanly to the C function call: ctypes takes
care of automatically handling conversion to C bytes for us, so it’s easy to call
that function. Note that the data argument must be a bytes object (not str).

The read function requires a bit more work: we’re getting a
pointer returned from the function, so we have to first access its contents to
get the full length of the byte array, and then recast that pointer to a pointer
to a byte array of the appropriate size. Finally we extract the byte content
of that array and return those bytes (dropping the first 8 bytes specifying the
length). Fortunately, these operations are transparent to the end user—the
read function also has the same semantics as the function defined in the Go

Here’s how to call these functions in Python:

x = read("abc")
print(x) # prints "b'read from abc'"

write(b"abc", "123") # prints "Go: wrote to 123"

Calling our functions from R

R includes packages like Rcpp to make it easy to write functions in C/C++ that
can manipulate R structures and make it possible to write highly performant loops.
Since we’re really interested in passing data back and forth between R and Go,
we’ll just be using the built-in C FFI (but send us a note if there’s a slick
way to do this with Rcpp!) The way we’ll do this is by creating another
shared object which wraps the Go functions with code that can manipulate R
structures directly. This means we’ll have two shared object wrappers: the Go-to-C
shared object we’ve already built, and a new C-to-R shared object that links to
the first one.

This second shared object we have to implement directly in C. Here’s the code:

#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include "libreadwrite.h"

SEXP Writeit(SEXP data, SEXP path, SEXP length) {
    char *arg1 = (char *) 0;
    char *arg2 = (char *) 0;
    int arg3 = 0;
    arg1 = (char *)(strdup(CHAR(STRING_ELT(data, 0))));
    arg2 = (char *)(strdup(CHAR(STRING_ELT(path, 0))));
    arg3 = INTEGER(length)[0];
    Write(arg1, arg2, arg3);

    return R_NilValue;

SEXP Readit(SEXP path){
    SEXP r_ans = R_NilValue ;
    char *arg1 = (char *) 0;
    char *result = 0 ;
    arg1 = (char *)(strdup(CHAR(STRING_ELT(path, 0))));
    result = (char *)Read(arg1) + 8;

    r_ans = result ? Rf_mkString((char *)(result)) : R_NilValue;

    return r_ans;

Note that we’re being a little more careful about explicit memory management for
the arguments in each case, and that there are R structures like SEXP (meaning
“S expression”) and R_NilValue floating around—these are the structs that R
actually can use directly. Also note that in contrast to the slicing we have to
do in Python, since we’re writing native C code here, we can just offset the
pointer returned by Read by 8 instead of constructing a subslice of the returned
byte array.

To build a shared object that R can link with, run the following command:

R CMD SHLIB -L. -lreadwrite readwriteR.c

This will produce a new shared object, readwriteR.so, which we can then load
directly in R. Now, to write some R code that calls this, first make sure that
the original libreadwrite.so produced by Go is in the library path (e.g. by
running export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/...) Next, we can just use R’s built-in
dyn.load and .Call functions:


writeit <- function(data, path, length){
    .Call("Writeit", data, path, length)

readit <- function(path){
    return(.Call("Readit", path))

We can now pass objects directly from R to these functions:

writeit("abc", "123", 3L) # prints "Go wrote to 123"
readit("abc") # returns "read from abc"

And that’s it! While this is something of a toy example, it’s a valuable one:
with the explosion in data science and machine learning tools and languages,
using thin wrappers built around FFIs saves development time and allows re-use
of code between languages.

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